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Feedback:  Information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.

Commendation: The act of praising or approving of someone or something.  Something (such as an official letter) that praises someone publicly.

Testimonial: In promotion and advertising, a testimonial consists of a person’s written or spoken statement extolling the virtue of a product and most commonly applies to the sales-pitches attributed to ordinary citizens.

Anyone who has bought anything, or used any sort of a service online, will almost certainly have been asked for feedback, by giving their opinion about how the supplier performed.  These days, it is all part and parcel of the process and for some organisations, it is invaluable information, whether it consists of good comments or bad.

If the feedback comments are bad, it gives the supplier an opportunity to work on correcting things, so they improve to the point where feedback comments are good and positive.

If, as is the case with Solar Solve, feedback comments are always good, very good or brilliant, then they know they are doing everything to an exceptional standard and can use the positive pieces of information as very effective marketing sales aids.  That is exactly what we do.  When customers praise us and tell us how good we are, we tell everyone.

Such perfection is very hard-won and has to be constantly and unceasingly worked at, with no let-up.  Potential new customers need to be convinced that if they pick The Great Team at Solar Solve as their supplier, they will have no regrets whatsoever.

Between the 9th and 22nd of December we received 4 completed Customer Questionnaire Feedback forms and 2 complimentary emails.

ALL 4 that were asked, stated that the Product; Packing; Processing; Service and Delivery were ALL VERY GOOD.

Reasons for choosing Solar Solve were: Previous Professional Contact with company; You are one of the Leaders for this kind of product; Fast Response and Delivery plus Good Technical Support; Customer Requested Solar Solve.

Answers to question ‘How could we improve?’ were: Everything OK!; N/A; N/A; What can I say, Perfect is Perfect.

The other 2 made general flattering comments including, “I have seen your products in some of the most remote places, Julie.  Great products and save my eyes big time” and “So we like to thank you all for great (even better than that) service this year and wish you all a fantastic 2021.”

Visit our website and read 254 other customer TESTIMONIALS confirming our claim that we are the best.  A link is here where you will read things like….

“Everything was Very Good.  You always give a good service and fast response time and you were stated by MOD.”  (CL, UK)

“Everything was Very Good.  We chose Solar Solve for their professional product and always go directly to their Internet site because we don’t think they can improve.”  (SIG, Switzerland)

If you are interested in Solar Solve’s products you can read more information about our Type Approved marine screens, flame retardant window shades and sun blinds by typing what you are looking for into this website’s search box.

John H Lightfoot MBE