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We saw the upgrading of the SSL website as an opportunity to refresh the TESTIMONIALS page that promoted 254 Customer Commendations, thinking it may be too many.

However, it was easy to scroll through all of them and it is unlikely anyone would want to read all of them. If they did, it could easily be done in less than hour.

The testimonials have been received within a period when all of the current SSL team members have been employed by the company. So they relate to the people who continue to serve our customers so brilliantly. It’s true, a quick visit to: https://www.solasolv.com/testimonials/, will confirm it.

Experienced Purchasing Officers and other buyers will be well aware of and appreciate, the huge benefits of a reliable supplier, to both them and their employer, customer or themselves, if they are to be the end user.

They also acknowledge that the additional time and attention that our Solar Solve team members have to take, ensuring that customers receive the best product, service, everything, needs to be included as an extra cost in the selling price.

As long as we continue to provide our highly respected customers with the very best of everything and treat them like the VIP’s that they undoubtedly are, we are confident that they will continue to trade with us and keep us enthused via all the wonderful commendations we proudly display on the Solar Solve website Testimonials page.

We have now completed the refresh of the website Testimonials page and posted the latest customer commendations. The current total is 273. When you have time, please take a look here. I can assure readers that every customer commendation is absolutely genuine, with original documentation held at Solar Solve’s Headquarters in South Shields, UK.

Under the GDPR rules we cannot show personal information about the people who send us the feedback, therefore we can only share initialled names and the related country.

John Lightfoot, Solar Solve Chairman